Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Impact of Black Women in the Upcoming Election

Who do you want representing you? The Impact of Black Women in the Upcoming Election

On July 15 of this year, the US Census Bureau released its latest information on voting patterns of US citizens which clearly demonstrated the growing political status of unmarried women. Guess what, that data includes us. Prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 we were practically dis-allowed to vote.
Yes, our votes count ! Women of color. We count, we matter and we tip the scale in almost every measurable way. If you don't read for yourself, then you don't know. We are the highest volume of the population that is: Educated-Driven-Productive-Nurturing.  Don’t forget that. Even in the tough times. You matter most.

In Palm Beach County alone, where I live, there are over 65,000 black female voters that should be courted in every election seeing that our vote is consistent yet all too often, taken for granted.
Ladies, please take note!  Mainstream media will almost always paint a very different picture. So don’t believe the hype that you read, hear and most unfortunately sometimes believe. Ever heard the phrase the ball is in your court? Well, guess what it most emphatically is. You really are in a position to transform the world. Yes, each one of us is capable of being a transformer. We are mother earth and yet, we don't have an economic agenda that should be continuously monitored and balanced like our check books and should always reflect the climate in which we live.

Florida legislatures have taken steps to allow voters to vote with ease and convenience. Use the
You must link to or be a mentor for a cause or a purpose to get up every day. Be it related to your family, an election, a calling, a cause or a purpose. It's really quite the same.  I always say, we all commit to our passions. We've been led to believe our vote doesn't count, but whatever it is that get's you up each day can't be very reticent because you continue to do it. Include voting in your repertoire.

I remember a very dynamic African American woman, politician and more importantly humanitarian Barbara Jordan US Representative Texas, said, equality for all and privilege for none. We are obligated to make this statement a reality. Do not accept what the privileged sell you as your agenda. Make your own.

If you don't get involved in the affairs of your community then don't complain, if you don't vote then you concede to whatever the lawmakers (ummm that agenda is driven by the privileged) design for your life. You were created, born and designed for greatness. We must ban together to make something happen with our vote as our weapon as the title of this blog implies…black women in the upcoming election…have the power.

The impact we have is far greater than we credit ourselves.
Nothing minor about me, my vote or the impact I have - politically, socially and economically!
We are largely to blame for our underrating. It took me a while to realize that unfortunately, SOME whites have a greater infinity for the prosecution of a poached lion in Africa they have never seen, than for blacks lives such as Sandra Bland and many other women slain by officers of the law. It really pulled at my heart strings to watch the dash-cam of the officer responsible for the ending of her life. Do you really know what the phrase "Black Power" means? Baby you got it. Please please please use it.

Do as I say AND as I do. So, first and foremost, register to vote and then vote in every election. Damn it. It’s our obligation. Vote early so you can be free on Election Day to support the efforts of your favored candidates by working the polls, making calls and driving others to the polls. You really have the power to influence a victory.

Engage everyone in your circle of influence (yes you do have one – it’s probably bigger than you think). This includes family, friends, co-workers, past loves, especially your children, because if they grow up committing this action repeatedly, it will be their pleasure to honor their mother/parents while exercising a right that many fought and died for when they cast their respective vote. 
So that’s what I say, here’s what I do: I personally provide oversight for the campaign of Alex Freeman for Sheriff, Palm Beach County in 2016 (visit: simply because I am willing to protect the black male from extinction. Therefore; I am lending my skills to the candidate to ensure victory. I also preside as president of a local democratic club and serve as Secretary for the FL Dem Black Caucus, Palm Beach County Chapter as Recording Secretary.
This I do because I need to demonstrate to all in my community that I want equality for my people. I want to ensure that when the law is enforced, a fair and equitable leader, Alex Freeman is at the helm of the sheriff’s office AND most importantly, I am helping to preserve my species, my race and my fellow African-Americans when I a black women of power and influence, put my influence, my vote and my power to use for my people. Black women of power and influence, won’t you do the same?

#blacklivesmatter #blackpower#alexfreeman4sheriff #sayhername

By RoxAnne (Roxi) Harris, PresidentNorth County Democratic Club

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of Minority Outreach Solutions.